Sunday, November 6, 2016

Introduction to Advanced Robotics


Robotics is an branch of science that deals with construction, design, operation and  application of robot using certain microprocessor like Arduino and Raspberry Pi and various Sensors, motor driver chip used for driving the robot.


1) Arduino

2) Raspberry Pi

Arduino and Raspberry Pi are of different types they are as follows:

a) Arduino Uno:

b) Arduino Mega:

c) Arduino Nano:

Types of Raspberry Pi microprocessor:

a) Raspberry Pi 1:

b) Raspberry Pi 2:

c) Raspberry Pi 3:

d) Raspberry Pi b:

Motor Driver L298:  It is used to run the motors of the robot, the motors can be Gear DC, johnson or other motors.

Conclusion:  These microprocessor and motor Driver are  the basic part of the advance  autonomous robot.